Social Listening

google, wha+?

     For this blog entry, I looked online at companies in search of fresh and buzzing news, and I chose Google. Google, literally killing the search engine game with a monopoly for search, video, and maybe soon the phone market. Although, when it comes to social media, google's obscurely known platform "Google Plus" is soon reaching the end of its lifespan. Many social media platforms in the past that have closed down such as MySpace & Vine left its users in a sad state of mind, although googles platform leaves its audience completely neutral, if not in celebration. A report was made that Google had exposed personal data for over 500,000 users on the platform, resulting in their ultimate decision to close down the service after 10 months.

Google's value proposition is to provide an optimized simple search engine process for everyone to use and understand, along with various other great services such as video, photo, and more.

     The world's reaction to this decision by Google on social media is surprising; even a tad humorous at the least. The majority of all reactions go along the lines of "Oh, Google+ shutting down... wait, who even used Google+ ". One reaction described a user reacting shocked, not because Google had leaked personal data, but the fact that 500,000 people even used the platform in the first place. Others describe how the platform never had a chance in the first place, and how it was merely a nuisance. 

     My reaction to others opinions on Google shutting down Google+ very similar; I agree that the service never really blew up like it may have intended; if anything it was just a waste of an app inside my Google toolbar. 

     Google's attempt at challenging other platforms like Facebook and Instagram may have been a flop with Google+, although they haven't completely given up, yet at least. Reports have been made that Google will invest more time into their google hangouts platform, possibly overriding facetime and Skype, along with other video chat platforms. I believe the marketing challenge at hand for the company is that Facebook essentially already has a monopoly in the social media business, not only owning facebook itself but Instagram as well! Google doesn't really stand a chance in competing: at least not for now. 

If I were Google, I would review all the feedback given from the failure of the platform, and possible work on a comeback, making it more noticeable than before. If not that, maybe ditch marketing techniques used for Google+ and brainstorm more efficient techniques for bringing my products into the attention of consumers.

I learned, rather was reminded of the fact that something Rob taught us in class today! Do not copy others! If something already exists and works efficiently, it may not be the best idea to challenge it, because you most likely might FLOP! Just like good ol' google.


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